Knowledge city

Statistics of Sofia

Statistics of Sofia

Sofia - a city of knowledge in figures:

  • 75% of the total number of scientific publications on fundamental research for the country;
  • (Scientific equipment, facilities, databases, large computer networks, specialized scientific laboratories, unique natural and geographic resources and services necessary for high-quality and competitive research, transfer, exchange and protection of scientific knowledge) ;
  • The first place in the country by number of: universities (20), colleges (24), general and special schools and high schools (299), students (105 650 - year classes in 2015 22733 people), university lecturers (11 978 Souls); (46 854 people);
  • First place by share of Internet users (78%), with an average of 60%;
  • First place by number of issued books and circulation - 3 971 titles with a circulation of 2 317 000;
  • 649,400 people employed in the city, of which 51% are graduates (2015);
  • 40% of Bulgaria's GDP (2016) and first on GDP per capita: BGN 24 982 (2015);
  • Third place in the EU at annual growth rate of GDP per capita (38%, after Bratislava - 69% and Bucharest - 55%);
  • Number of businesses 108,776 of which occupied: professional and scientific research - over 20%, information and creative products over 6%, education above 1,3% and culture and sport - over 1,6%;
  • The share of enterprises in the total number in the country: micro enterprises (27%), small (29%), medium (30%), large (35%);
  • 85% of all people employed in the ICT sector in the country (over 25,000 people with an average age of 25.5 years);
  • 60% of the revenues of the ICT companies in the country from export;
  • 6.7% ICT added value (2 times higher than national: 3.64% (2010);
  • Over 96% of the value added in the film industry;
  • Over 90% of added value added in video game software;

More information about the economy and culture for Sofia can be found here.

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