News archive

The international exhibition COMPUTEX 2023 is approaching

Based on the information received from Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and following the ECCP invitation for a matchmaking event between organizations and companies, members of the European clusters and organizations from Taiwan, we inform our members, partners and stakeholders of the following:

Together with thousands of technology and startup companies worldwide, COMPUTEX 2023 visitor registration is already open. The exhibition will be staged at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Halls 1 and 2 from May 30 to June 2.

SmartCityTech Going Beyond Europe

This article is a summary of the context and overall objectives of the project European Technology for Sustainability (eT4S), finalized by CSKC and partners.

The project finished end of 2022 and now is time for reporting and evaluating the work done. European Technology for Sustainability supported the development of collaboration and business agreements between the EU and North America (North East Coast of the USA and between the EU and Asia/Asean.

It was focused on technology enabled solutions addressing sustainability challenges in urban areas (water, air, energy, waste). The project  was embedded within the SmartCityTech partnership and could leverage on the expertise and network build by this partnership since 2013.

Digiskill-retail - 2nd project meeting

On 27th March 2023 the partners of Digiskill-retail held their second transnational meeting to discuss and analyze the progress of the project and the production of results and achievement of the first milestones within the six months of development since October 2022.

The focus was on the conducted interviews with educational experts and representatives by companies in the retail sector to analyze the results around the main questions about the digital competences of learners and employees based on the Digital competence framework for citizens, DigComp 2.0: 

Information and data literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Digital content creation.

The Skills4Cities project has ended

The Project “Smart Skills for Smarter Cities”, financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union and managed by the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City just arrived to its end at 31.01.2023. The main objective of the project, as a whole, was to develop and test learning & validation tools for training of professionals who will play important role for the success of digital transformation of cities. The tools elaborated in the project include a referent competence framework, new curricula and validation paths for these roles, based on common methodology and competencies map. Let’s pay our attention on the main output of this project namely the Toolkit for smart city competencies framework.

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