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The cluster birthday is now a memory

12.12.2022 г. Sofia, Hotel Kitchen 59 Rooftop Pool, bul. Tsar Boris III No 59    

Custer Sofia Knowledge City (CSKC) celebrated its sixth anniversary together with its partners from Electic Vehicles Industrial Cluster (EVIC). The Chairman of the Board of EVIC Iliya Levkov, in his role as a symbolic host, extended an invitation to the Chairman of the Board of CSKC, Dimitar Hristov, and together they opened the celebration by wishing their guests, members and friends pleasant moments and merry upcoming Christmas holidays. Although it was informal, the party was honored with a congratulatory letter sent by Mr. Dobri Mitrev - Chairman of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce.

Green projects news

On 23.11.2022 at the Launchee Center in Sofia Dimitar Hristov and Dimitar Filipov from KISMC and Stanislav Chervenkov and Teodora Sotirova from CEED, all of them members of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City took part in a seminar that was organised by CEED Bulgaria. 

In the seminar were presented the goals and tasks as well as the achieved results of the following three projects:

The presented projects were united with a common topic of social and green entrepreneurship.

Six year anniversary celebration

Cluster Sofia Knowledge City celebrates six years since its creation. It was created by 25 legal entities incl. companies, scientific institutes and one university with a decision on 19.12.2016 to register an association under the Law for none-governmental organizations. 

Today, the cluster has more than 60 members, successfully continues to pursue the goals for which it was created, and rightly celebrates its birthday. 

Every member, friend and supporter of the cluster could meet and get to know the cluster during a small party on 12/12/2022 at Hotel Kitchen No. 59. 

More information HERE.

Meeting with TAITRA for partnership

One of the tasks of each cluster organization is to make the internal supply chain "hook" to the global chain, thus offering qualitatively new growth factors to its members. That is why CSKC pays serious attention to every opportunity that arises to create new partnerships and to encourage internationalization. It is for this reason that on November 4, 2022, we held a meeting with Mr. Shane Tsai - Director of the Taiwan Trade Center Sofia - Bulgaria, one of a total of over 60 centers worldwide of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). TAITRA is Taiwan's largest trade promotion organization, established in 1970 with the aim of assisting Taiwanese businesses to address the challenges they face in overseas markets. 

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