Webinar: Towards the green economy transition in cities
European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)
Towards Green Transition Facility - TGTF
Towards the green economy transition in cities
approaches and practices
Cluster Sofia Knowledge City
10 September 2021, 14.00-15.30
Moderator: Silvia Kuehl, Ecorys, TGTF representative
- Welcome to the participants
- Opening words
- Introduction of the ECCP Towards Green Transition Facility services to the CSKC cluster: Silvia Kuehl
Moderator: Silvia Kuehl, Ecorys, TGTF representative
- The future of settlements and the emerging need for urban green and circular economy: Federico Butera, Politecnico di Milano.
- Presentation of case studies about green and circular business models and policy tools for urban sustainable development; Fabio Maria Montagnino- TGTF Business Advisor
- Cities: Bristol Green Capital (City Model Canvas), Leuven 2030 (City Roadmap), Amsterdam (Doughnut Economy);
- 5 innovative green business models: Energy (Som Energia), Mobility (RideAmigos), Building (INSERT), Waste (FabCity), Water (Field Factors).
- The Sandbox for Innovative Solutions: Velko Velkov, Digitalization, Innovation, and Investment Unit, Sofia Municipality
Moderator: Fabio Maria Montagnino - TGTF Business Advisor
- Interactive discussion among the participants about the proposed approach and cases.
Moderator: Vihra Andonova, Supervisory Board, CSKC
- Debriefing
- Next steps
Key speakers:
Prof. Federico M. Butera, Politecnico di Milano
For more than 40 years he has been active in the fields of solar energy applications, low energy architecture, and sustainable urban development. He has been involved in many research tasks of the International Energy Agency, as well as in several EU research programs and in UN projects dealing with renewables and efficient use of energy at building and community scale. He has also been involved in the design of low and zero-energy buildings and communities in Italy, China, Hungary, and Niger.
He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and 12 books. He was awarded: “Pioneer for contributions in renewable energy” by the World Renewable Energy Network in 1998; by Eurosolar in 2004 for his “outstanding service to the utilization and promotion of Renewable Energies and Sustainable Architecture”, by PLEA in 2015 as Pioneer in Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
Fabio Maria Montagnino, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office, The Cyprus Institute Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
He is leading the task force about Green Economy and Innovation within the East Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative, promoted by the Republic of Cyprus, responsible for the participation of The Cyprus Institute to the New European Bauhaus, and coordinator of the partnership with the EIT Climate KIC, where he is member of the expert group about transitional policies in the RIS area. He was a founder of several EU initiatives like the Italian Innovation Hub Consorzio ARCA, which he’s been leading for fifteen years, pursuing its strong internationalization within the EU innovation ecosystem, as a regional node of the EEN service network, EU-BIC certified incubator, EIT Health RIS Hub and two EU recognized Living Labs.
He has been leading pioneering actions for the implementation of solar energy districts in urban areas (STS-Med ENPI CBC MED strategic project), open innovation for the UN SDGs urban agenda (U-SOLVE ENPI CBC MED strategic project), contributing to the advancement of Positive Energy Districts (PED-EU-NET COST action), coaching startups and SMEs in the smart greening perspective (DeFINE and InvestHorizon H2020 project, Towards Green Transition facility of the ECCP), developing new technologies and approaches for urban decarbonization (Zero+ H2020 project, many actions under the ERDF).
He is an associate of the Cambridge Learning Gateway, which connects experts about innovation management of the most prestigious international academic and business institutions. Among other innovations, he has designed novel solar energy systems and nature-based solutions to regenerate the marine environment