MME Open call 2 is now closed
On October 30, 2020, the call for proposals from start-ups/scaleups for inclusion in the second 6-month accelerator program of the Media Motor Europe Project, which is implemented with the participation of the Sofia City of Knowledge Cluster, was closed. The project is implemented within Startup Europe, an initiative of the European Commission.
What are the results at this stage?
A total of 150 start-ups/scaleups from 29 different countries responded to the Open call and started filling in their applications. Of these, 84 companies were able to finalize and submit their application forms.
What's ahead?
Follow us on social media or check our website for updates on the evaluation process and information on the companies that received the highest score and were ranked for participation in the second accelerator program. Every selected start-up should expect to be contacted by a representative of one of the four Innovation Hubs in Bulgaria, Greece, Belgium, and Norway, formed as a result of the Media Motor Europe Project.
At the beginning of January 2021, the implementation of the mentoring program and the provision of the package of services will start. The mentoring program will last next six months.
What's next?
One more Open call for applicants to participate in the last accelerator program of Media Motor Europe is to be opened. The expected deadline is expected for April 2021.
For more information, visit the Media Motor Europe project site, or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871552. |