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Upskilling clothing and textile SMEs for sustainable and ethical growth" was developed within the EcoModa project with the active participation of cluster members.
If you are in the clothing and textile industries find your training course here:
Log in to the platform and take actions to learn success stories, to be in a professional forum, to understand the roadmap and to use a quiz.
The platform contains?
- A strategic roadmap toolkit for SMEs to integrate sustainability goals throughout their enterprise (various tips, examples, business templates of tools such as Business model canvas, SWOT, etc.), a step-by-step guide to creating a sustainable enterprise.
- A digital tool that allows employees to formulate their sustainability and ethics ideas in a proposal and engage with their employers/ a wiki tool to create, collaborate, edit and share content in an organized way.
- A fun quiz for employees and employers to test how sustainable their businesses are. The test offers short solutions in the form of hints depending on the answers.
- Success stories subpage. Businesses that have made small or big changes can be an inspiration to others, as they are not large corporations with which an SME can be compared, but businesses that will achieve sustainable and ethical growth through our project and beyond.
CSKC was one of the selected 25 European clusters that has been included in the initiative of the European Cluster Cooperation Platform (ECCP) with the name "Towards Green Transition Facility". The published roadmap outlines in a structured way what needs to be done to support the transition to a green economy within the cluster.
The toolkit was developed under the project Skills4Cities and is entirely intended for "agents of change" for the digital transformation of cities. Theсе guidelines support those experts who desire to upgrade their skills and knowledge in developing, implementing and managing smart city projects.
The Smart City Guidance Package (SCGP) helps to plan and implement smart city and low energy district projects in an integrated way by describing common situations and giving real-life examples. It is a roadmap for integrated planning smart cities and bundles the shared experiences and expertise of cities, businesses, citizens, research institutes and NGOs that work together in the European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC). https://online.fliphtml5.com/khox/ktcb/
CSKC took part in the package validation in a specially organised conference in 2018 in Sofia (https://www.knowledgesofia.eu/bg/sabitiya/193-mezhdunarodna-konferentziya-knowledge-smart-cities)
The purpose of this handbook, elaborated under the XD Media Hub Project is to be a guidance on how to prepare VET trainers as new generation coaches. It describes the different components in a framework and how trainers and trainees will link with them. https://online.fliphtml5.com/khox/isgs/
Log in to the HD Media Platform to access trainers' resources, cases, training materials and learning nuggets to work with the media and creative industries.
The Handbook has been created as part of the Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change (Fight Climate Change) Project. It builds on the work of a variety of organisations in the fields of climate change, UN SDGs and sustainability around the world that have already shared their research and understanding about these topics through various initiatives. The intent of this handbook is to provide an extensive digestive to support educators in their personal and professional development in terms of climate change.
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