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Creative economy and MediaMotor Europe

Creative economy and MediaMotor Europe

MediaMotor Europe Project team

In the global economy and in this stage of the development of the knowledge economy, every business must be creative and innovative. It must have the capacity to create content relevant to consumers, clients, and partners, to generate ideas, to implement technological and product innovations, to share them using not only its natural imagination and creativeness but also the achievements of artificial intelligence and the huge capacity of the hardware for processing big data and IoT.

Under the MediaMotor Europe project, where the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City participates, 60 European deep-tech startups/scaleups from the creative and media industries will receive massive expert support for their business development.

At the beginning of this first call for applications, several companies in our cluster ecosystem have asked us whether and to what extent they would be eligible in applying for this support since there is a very wide interpretation of what does mean the term creative industry

In principle, suitable for the program are those applicants whose technological and product/services innovations are created and/or implemented in the mentioned above industries (but not only) and whose solutions are most often connected or based on Artificial intelligence, Virtual & Augmented Reality, IoT, Cloud computing, Audio & Video Streaming, Collaborative robotics, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Computer animations, Gaming, Human-Computer interfaces/interaction, Interactive computer installations, 5G, etc. 

This short article will be an attempt to define the wider understanding of the term creative economy rather than the term creative industry, thus giving some guidance to the potential candidates whether they could participate in the mentoring program being representatives of industries from the creative economy.

According to some sources, the following 13 industries could be included in the widely considered creative economy:

  1. Media - electronic media such as radio, television, and new media based on the internet, etc.;
  2. Publishing - book publishing, periodicals (newspapers, magazines) and printing;
  3. Software, including databases and computer games;
  4. Music - works with and without text, recordings;
  5. Film - production of films and other audio-visual works, and production activity; 
  6. Visual arts - painting, graphics, sculpture, applied and experimental arts and galleries;
  7. Performing arts - drama, musicals, pantomime, choreographic - theatre, opera, ballet, dance and circus art, show and other entertainment activities, as well as creative activities to create sets, costumes, etc.;
  8. Photographic - art, advertising, and information photography;
  9. Advertising;
  10. Architecture, including interior design and landscape design activities;
  11. Design - industrial, furniture, fashion, graphic, media, web design, etc.;
  12. Cultural heritage - material cultural heritage; intangible cultural heritage including folklore and folk arts and crafts and related traditional knowledge;
  13. Festivals and cultural events.

Our understanding is that the Open call 1 under the MediaMotor Europe is inviting startups/scaleups from all these industries. This makes the access very open as a scope but quite demanding in regard to the innovativeness and technology readiness of the applicants.

Watch startups and scaleups from the creative industries here.

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