The 1st National InvesTech workshop was successfully completed
А workshop of about 30 experts, teachers and students on the topic "Model of CoVE" was successfully concluded. It took place on 30.10.2024 in the "Mone" Hall of the Impresamente Hotel at the International Business School (IBS) in connection with the implementation of the InvestTech Project. The organizer of the meeting was Cluster Sofia Knowledge City with the support of Joint Innovation Center and Technological School of Electronic Systems at the Technical University - Sofia (TUES), partner organizations for the implementation of this project.
The meeting was opened by Dr. Milena Koleva.
She presented the goals and objectives of the InvesTech project and the role of CSKC in its implementation and introduced the participants to its basic goal - the creation and opening of CoVEs in five countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus and Slovakia and binding them into a single communication platform for cooperation and collaboration.
Presentations were made by:
- Teodora Sotirova, expert at the Unified Innovation Center for Innovations of the BAS, who presented the conclusions of the focus group held with representatives of the sector regarding the lack of skills in the ICT sector;
- Rositsa Stelianova, Director of Projects and Programs, Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria, who presented the experience of the VET Center of the association as a model for integration with industry;
- Kirilka Angelova, Executive Director, Association of TUES Graduates (AZTUES), who introduced the participants to the educational model of TUES and
- Prof. Antoineta Kirova, MT§M college teacher, who presented the European approach to microcredentials as flexible tools in professional education and training.
Aн interesting discussion was held on a topic on the CoVEs which, according to EC documents and European Training Foundation (ETF) publications, will play a very important role in the development of vocational education and training in all European countries. Experts shared their experience, opinion and recommendations on a locally appropriate model of the National CoVE. Young entrepreneurs and employees of ICT companies, former students of TUES, also actively participated in the discussion. According to them serious changes are needed in the professional training model in the country in order to meet the growing needs for skills in this sector.
The presentations can be downloaded from HERE.
At the end a little friendly party was hosted by the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City.