New project is launched - Go Green
Since the beginning of this year, the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City together with 5 EU partners has launched a new project under the Erasmus+. This project comes as a continuation of other green and circular economy projects in which the cluster participates directly or indirectly in supporting its members.
Such are, for example
- Green Skills for Better Employability (DEGREBE);
- Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change;
- Impact Incubator for Nurturing Sustainability (i2Sustain);
- Biodiversity and Climate Change Community Champions;
- Joint Venture;
- Towards the green economy transition in cities, etc.
This new two-year project is called Go Green and is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project, focused on the development of innovation for Vocational Education and Training. The main aim is to support students in upper secondary and higher VET schools to develop green skills and competences during their apprenticeships in a company, following the global need for gradual change in our mindsets and everyday behaviour towards green practices.
Our partners are:
- Techniek College Rotterdam (techniekcollegerotterdam.nl)
- Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri S.COOP, Spain, Basque country, (txorierri.net)
- IIEK DELTA Greece (iekdelta.gr)
- IDEC, Greece (https://www.idec.gr)
- I.O.F.S. Formazione Professionale, Italy (www.ciofs-fp.org)
Why such a project?
The target group are the talent among the young people, students and one of the tasks of the cluster is attracting talent to contribute to the process of green transformation of cities. The project is aimed at developing the green competences of VET students, as these have been identified by the GreenComp framework. An apprenticeship framework for the organisation of apprenticeships for the development of green skills is to be developed, which will also be supported by other outputs (guide for trainers, guide for trainees, orientation guide, self-assessment tool) all focused on raising awareness and development of green skills of students.
The project will create and pilot the GREEN apprenticeships (apprenticeship programmes focused on development of green skills of students), that will create work-based learning opportunities well aligned to evolving jobs and working methods and key sustainability competences. Finally, the project is believed will change to some extent the way in which VET is practised, making it more relevant to the current and future needs of the economy and society, more specifically the growing need for people to improve and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live, work and act in a sustainable manner.