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Taking a part in Smart City Expo World Congress

Taking a part in Smart City Expo World Congress

Cluster Sofia Knowledge City will have its representative at the leading global event for smart cities, the Smart City Expo World Congress.

Take a part in this world's largest and most influential event for smart technology and urban innovation. You can still decide how to participate - as a visitor, exhibitor, panelist or online. For three days from the 7th to the 9th of November, Barcelona becomes a global hub where leaders, politicians, city representatives and researchers from all over the world will meet to exchange information, solutions and visions for the future of the cities.

Since 2011, every year the exhibition has been held in Barcelona and gathers leaders of the world's most innovative companies, representatives of leading organizations and governments and municipalities from all over the world. The aim of this event is to present in one place the most current urban innovations and to address the critical challenges facing the cities of the future.

We recommend the members of the cluster, as well as the entire industry, especially those technology companies that offer integration solutions to urban systems, to be active in this event, because in such a way they will become part of the leading more than 1000 companies that participate in the exhibition, will reached over 25,000 visitors from over 800 cities worldwide, will come into direct contact with potential partners for entering new markets and meet the world's best experts in the field of smart cities.

In addition to being exhibitors and visitors, the members of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City will have an additional opportunity for closer meetings with the cluster's partners in the Smart City Tech Partnership from Denmark, Portugal, Spain and Germany.

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