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Agreement signed with INOVA-RIA, Portugal

Agreement signed with INOVA-RIA, Portugal

A few days ago, on 11.09.2023, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Sofia City of Knowledge Cluster and INOVA-RIA - Associação de Empresas para uma Rede de Inovação em Aveiro. INOVA-RIA is an innovation network, a cluster organization registered in Portugal with a mission to consolidate and develop an information and communication technology and electronics cluster centered in the Aveiro region. The cluster aims to promote innovation and collaboration between its members with research and technology organizations and with academia, to contribute to the attraction and retention of highly qualified specialists in the region, to promote the internationalization of its members and to develop business cooperation with companies and organizations

from different sectors and different countries. The signed agreement between the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City and INOVA-RIA aims to stimulate cooperation between the two clusters and their members in favor of strengthening economic growth in those regions in Portugal and the city of Sofia where the target groups of the clusters are. The agreement envisages the achievement of a general effect for both parties, expressed in increasing the competitiveness and innovation potential of the companies that are members of the clusters.

The intentions of the agreement are to achieve this by promoting joint activities in the field of scientific research, in joint innovation projects between the regions and in joint projects between the members of the two clusters. Special attention is paid to the possibility of promoting and seeking business synergies between the two networks by seeking and identifying specific opportunities in Portugal, in Bulgaria or in third countries and by conducting joint business missions.

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