The forum iNNOBIZ1 successfully ended
The First Forum for Economic and Social Impact InnoBIZZ1, supported by the cluster, started on December 12 and was successfully completed on December 15 at the National Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies at the Technical University of Sofia (CTU). The main organizer of the forum was iNNOBIZ Academy with the support of CTU and Cluster Sofia Knowledge City. The focus of this forum was the social impact of investments. Topics discussed included the investment roadmap from knowledge to technology, the nature, scale and risks of investments in knowledge and innovation, the positive aspects of European investment policies, the role of investments in human capital development and many others.
During the event and during the breaks, the organizers' monitors presented the goals and objectives of the InvestTech project, in which the Sofia City of Knowledge Cluster participates, and the model for a national CoVE proposed by the cluster. This is a topic that is in line with the thesis of the forum organizers about the role of human capital and the importance of the process of its professional training based on smart tools, an appropriate learning environment and curricula relevant to the needs of business.