Blog publications

Effective resource management with Arista Retrofit

As an association of deep-tech companies developing and implementing smart solutions for the digital transformation of cities and businesses, Cluster Sofia Knowledge City provides a platform for publishing information and expertise to its members. Such a company is ADD Bulgaria, which develops solutions for resource management. The author of the following publication is Vessela Malinovska - Marketing Director at ADD Bulgaria. 

Smart Cities and the Circular Economy

Vihra Andonova, Euro Perspectives Foundation

This article is based on a circular economy Status Quo Report developed by Euro-Perspectives Foundation, Bulgaria (a member of Cluster Sofia Knowledge City) in cooperation with partners from the INTERREG REDUCES project. The project covers six European cities and regions: Southwest Finland, Valencia (Spain), Manchester (UK), Utrecht (Netherlands), Maramures (Romania), and Bulgaria and contributes to the EU2020 strategy in the context of the vision of "Resource-efficient Europe".

Disruptive technologies for smart cities - Collaborative Robotics

Author: KISMC / CSKC

This is the next article from the series we started this year for disruptive technologies for smart cities.

The content is based on the outputs produced under the project Smart technologies by design (Smart by Design). Collaborative Robotics (Cobots) is referring to machines that are designed for direct interaction with humans in their working spaces without any security fence.

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