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Key Terms of Sofia Knowledge City

We need a common language - key terms of Sofia Knowledge City. If we work together to create a city of knowledge, we need to understand things, in the same way, to communicate effectively and conduct a dialogue. Below, everyone interested will find short and commonly accepted definitions of 12 key terms and concepts needed to work in the cluster. D.Hristov - Vice Chairman of the Management Board of Cluster Sofia City of Knowledge

 1. Knowledge Society
Knowledge Society (KS) is a wider concept of an information society. It can be seen as a successor of a previous phase, the “information society” (IS), which in turn followed the “industrial society”. IS is so-called because of the huge flow of information that was triggered by the advent of computers, data processing systems, and communications.

The benefits of knowledge cities

Клъстер София град на знанието си е поставил за цел да подпомогне процеса на трансформация на град София, столицата на България от класическа териториална административна единица в град на знанието.

Knowledge Management in SMEs

Dimitar Hristov, Managing Director of HIRON - Innovation Management Ltd.

 Although the knowledge-based economy is perceived as a modern concept and Knowledge Management (KM) is treated as a critical factor in the development of sustained competitive advantage, the entrepreneurs are still not used to the tools and techniques for management of the knowledge within their companies. SMEs are usually complaining about a lack of trained personnel, missing market data, or new technologies information, which is a clear signal for the necessity of an organized approach in management. It is important to note that certain KM techniques and methods have already been developed, but they were usually directed to large companies and organizations with sophisticated structures.

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