Blog publications

Presentation of one BG project partner

We present to you the Technological School of Electronic Systems at the Technical University - Sofia (TUES). TUES is a partner of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City in the InvesTech project. 

This reputable secondary school is integrated into the Technical University - Sofia and about 40% of its teaching staff are highly qualified university teachers. It is a specialized technological school of national importance, which creates future leaders in the field of information technologies not only for Bulgaria, but also for the global IT sector and prepares its students to adapt quickly and successfully to technological challenges.

This year (2024) the school celebrates its 35th anniversary.

Digital Educational Package

 A Digital Educational Package (DEP) for trainers and trainees (students, young servants) from the agricultural sector has been developed under Degrebe Project, which the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City implements together with partner organizations from five European countries. DEP includes:

Let's firstly look at the Knowledge Base.There are included in it five learning modules, which we think explain the most important learning fields directely concerned with the green economy and skills specifically in this sector. 

Membership in Future Media Hubs?

If you are an innovative media company that works in the media space of Bulgaria, but wishes to expand its ecosystem, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the activity of the Future Media Hubs (FMH) network and become part of it! We believe that it is the place where ideas, projects and new opportunities for cooperation between media companies in Europe are generated.

Why Future Media Hubs? One of the results of the successful MediaMotor Europe (2020-2022) project, in which Cluster Sofia Knowledge City took part and which ended more than a year ago, was to create an environment for a stronger and more diverse European ecosystem for media innovation.

A green skills trainer's guide for apprentices

The Cluster Sofia Knowledge City (the cluster) as an organization to promote the development of cities as “knowledge cities” adopts the concept of green and circular economy as the basis for the development of such cities. Therefore, the cluster often participates in international projects related to the topic of knowledge and skills for a sustainable and green economy, which we believe should be the basis of the urban development.

The Go Green project (, in which the cluster participates, is focused on the issue of green competences and the possibilities for these competences to be transferred from trainers to trainees and from workers to apprentices.

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